
The importance of cloud security

Author —Rajiv C. J6 mins read02 Aug 2024

Data is the most valuable asset in today’s world. As more IoT devices serve various purposes, data is in abundance. More businesses are swiftly adopting the cloud, recognizing the need for flexible, scalable networks. Cloud computing offers enterprises opportunities to drive innovation, automate, innovate, save money, and become more efficient. Cloud computing acts as a stepping stone for a company to move towards digital transformation. However, with the massive cloud adoption and availability of bulk data, security threats are high. Organizations must realize the importance of cloud security becoming agile and preparing to face existing threats as well as to face the challenges lying ahead. But what is cloud security? Let’s have a look at the importance of cloud security.

Tightening cloud security

Enterprises understand the need for a scalable, flexible, and efficient network, and the cloud proves it’s the right call. Cloud-based technologies continue to evolve and offer new business opportunities that drive innovation, foster growth, and bring the powers of automation, saving enterprises more time and money. With companies moving towards complete digital transformation, the trend to use the cloud as a continuum is picking pace.

The accelerated growth of the cloud might expose organizations to security threats, vulnerabilities, and business risks. Companies must fix the issues of today and prepare for tomorrow. Enterprises must focus on cloud security, becoming more agile, and aligning their business goals while fortifying their defense against threats.

Security to accelerate resilience

Organizations give the cloud-first approach the top priority more than ever before, enabling them to transform at a scale rapidly. However, with every new public cloud instance, the risks of potential security threats get stronger. The default environment of new cloud instances is unlikely to satisfy even the basic requirements of cloud security that any business operation demands.

Even though cloud computing offers organizations with new potentials and opportunities, most enterprises fail to achieve the total value they expect on their cloud investments. In addition, security risks and compliances remain major hindrances to cloud adoption. Along with proactively addressing the complexity of the cloud and its security configuration, the shortage of skill can turn out to be another roadblock in the cloud-first voyage.

Even though organizations see security risks as the biggest obstacle in cloud adoption, it is the biggest accelerator in reality.

Blind spots in security

Dedicated teams analyze where the organization is on cloud security. However, there are a few security blindspots that hamper them.

A cultural shift

Cloud adoption requires a cultural shift as network security has a zero-trust approach, persuading the organization to pivot from direct control to shared responsibility. With the evolving cloud journey and ever-changing context, the enterprise must adopt new security actions at the same pace to avoid loopholes.

Lack of skills

Current employers receive the task of performing jobs that demand new skills. However, the organization requires employees with expertise in the security domain and skills in cloud computing. Upskilling the current employees and adding new skills fuel the cloud continuum journey.

Inability to balance resources

As an enterprise welcomes new technologies like the cloud that opens a world of new possibilities, the pressure on existing security resources and abilities may pave the way to more vulnerabilities. Organizations must manage multiple layers of the cloud journey, such as technology, resourcing, and handling strategic partners.

Using security as a compass to ease the cloud journey

Organizations use cloud security as a compass toward digital transformation. However, enterprises must consider a few factors while fortifying their cloud security.

  • Organizations must accelerate application and data migration and ensure they appropriately permit data access. Businesses must evaluate the skills of their workforce and ensure that the product meets regulations.
  • An organization must test its current technology capabilities and how it holds the present security posture. An enterprise must leverage the capabilities of cloud architecture and automation to free up staff from tedious jobs and assign them to higher-priority cybersecurity tasks.
  • An enterprise must reach out to its ecosystem members and vendors and listen to how they deal with challenges. Anticipate the skill demands for your cloud security tasks and build communities involving people with technical or managed service experience.

Why is cloud security good for businesses?

Organizations are striving more toward cloud security, realizing its importance. What are the objectives of cloud security? Let’s check the benefits of cloud security.

Guards against security breaches

Data security infringements are enormously harmful to an organization’s health and reputation. A company might take a long time to detect breaches or attacks and fix the issues. Data security on the cloud is a massive concern, particularly if the organization uses a public cloud with third-party access. Even though third-party vendors are responsible for protecting your data, attackers can still crack the system or breach the database. In most scenarios, the client takes the extra mile of adopting the hybrid cloud to protect the data.

Facilitates remote work

Remote working is the new normal, aided by cloud technologies. Employees can easily access data from any part of the world, anytime. However, this signifies the importance of how employees handle the data. Sometimes, the workers might not adhere to the standards while working on the public internet, which can lead to massive security threats and make your data susceptible to malware and phishing. Cloud security can negate these threats and secure your data.

Disaster recovery

A disaster can occur at even the most unforeseen hour, immensely affecting your data as well as the organization if not secured well. A fire, a  flood, or other natural disasters can cause massive havoc to the systems and result in data loss. Hence, it’s vital to have the data secured, which cloud security makes possible.

Enables to comply with regulations

Often, organizations must comply with particular standards and regulations to satisfy the demands of the government and keep functioning legally. Data protection standards like HIPPA and GDPR are universal, which an organization generally puts together to ensure that the enterprise maintains its integrity and follows the cloud security protocols. The regulator takes liability if there is a data breach instead of the cloud provider taking the blame. Regulations and compliances fortify the cloud security of an organization.

Eliminates weak links

Almost all enterprises have sensitive information to secure. Various attacks put organizations in jeopardy when someone leaks sensitive information to the public. The cyber attacks tarnished the image of businesses and affected their market prospects. Cloud security is critical in such cases, helping a company protect itself against cyber attacks. Cloud security controls the access of employees, eliminating weak links and bringing more protection to organizations.


Businesses realize the importance of cloud security to secure their data and prevent cyber attacks. It’s best for organizations to consult experts in cloud security to create an impregnable defense for their systems. Want to know more about cloud security? Let’s discuss taking your journey a step further.

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